Amy Dutschke, Regional Director Bureau of Indian (atrocities) affairs!
Tribal Offices, Tribal Land, Avenida Central, La Grange , Ca. 95329
The attempted theft of the California Valley Miwok Tribe being conducted by the BIA (Bureau of Indian Atrocities) and attempted to be carried out by California BIA Regional Director Amy Dutschke calls into question just a sample of her past transgressions included in this story and is the reason for this posting.
As the title implies, the tribe went on Google and typed in “Amy Dutschke tribal theft history.” What is included here is currently relevant, as although the situations may differ, the actions and reasons taken by Dutschke and the California BIA are exactly the same: steal a tribe through whatever means, using the power of the federal government with no oversight to commit villainous and criminal acts against native peoples who do not want and try to resist the BIA’s intrusion. This is in violation of tribal sovereignty and tribal citizens’ inalienable sovereign and constitutional rights as United States citizens.
In the case of the California Valley Miwok, the local BIA under direction of Assistant Secretary, Bryan Newland, seeks to illegally enroll never before individuals into the tribe to make them citizens illegally through a document that has no actual authority in conducting a criminal takeover of the tribe.
Knowing that the tribe currently has and is filing even more litigations in regard to their criminality, they are even violating set federal timelines for processes and making it up as they go along doing so in an attempt to outrun pending and future litigations.
If anyone should be tried for the crime of secessionist actions, the very fact of this orchestrated well planned crime with communications by and between Washington BIA and their local central valley offices should not only make only make them guilty of that but in violation of RICO statutes.
In one posting below, there is even a place with Inspector General involvement over a complaint that was filed. The Inspector General, of course, concurred that there was no wrongdoing regarding the complaint, as it refers to Dutschke loading family members into a tribe that they were not associated with. Other BIA officials are also guilty of this, and another specifically named official who has violated throughout our tribe’s history, Carol-Rogers Davis, is also named. In another part of the PDFs provided, it is stated that Dutschke loaded her family four months later.
How many BIA relatives are waiting for our tribe to be taken because they missed previous tribal takeover enrollment extravaganza?
We had our own issue, as this has been going on for twenty-five years. Only through the research of current attorneys did we find out that the same Inspector General’s office had findings against the BIA regarding the California Valley Miwok Tribe in 2007. Unbeknownst to us, they actually opened a case on our complaint. We were unaware because no attempt was ever made to contact us. They did go to the local BIA and were told there was no longer an issue and that it was being worked out. The Inspector General’s office, seemingly on the same level of either corruption or incompetence, ran with that and dropped the case. Still, we were never contacted and only found out this information within the last few years.
That is like investigating a rape case or child molestation and going to the perpetrator and asking them if it is all good. Is this the kind of government agency that is supposed to police and investigate wrongdoing by departments against the people that those departments are entrusted to serve?
Below are a couple of stories presented as they were opened up, and for the sake of room, others are included in pdf form, you can also click on any highlighted links throughout page.
Click to open PDF file: Native Unity Digest Feb 29-2004
BIA, Weldon Loudermilk, Amy Dutschke and Javin Moore SUED for Civil Rights Violations, Fraud and Conspiracy By San Pasqual
Bureau of Indian Affairs Pro Indian, or just SOME Indians |
Issues of abuses by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) at San Pasqual are reaching critical mass for both San Pasqual members AND the descendants that have been denied their rights as Indians, so that NON Indians can benefit.
Amy Dutschke, a Miwok, Allen Lawson & Cheryl Calac have 1/32 Mesa Grande blood, but they have 1/8 Miwok blood through their mother, Lena Montes.
Amy Dutschke and Ursula Never seen together..coincidence? |
It leads to these questions:
Did Amy Dutschke conspire with Allen Lawson & Cheryl Calac to harm the San Pasqual Indians? Did she disregard the law to appease a fellow Miwok?
Will U.S. Attorney George Manahan seek JUSTICE, or just side with the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
Recent court filings show the complaints, you can find that here:
San Pasqual Complaint Part One
Interesting to note, that the San Pasqual TRIBAL officials have turned their back on the very agency that helped them screw over dozens of Indians on their behalf.
Read this from an amicus brief filed ..in Black v. Alto
“We hold that the exercise of jurisdiction was proper, and that the Band is not a required party for the adjudication of the claims underlying the preliminary injunction, as they concern solely the propriety of final agency action.
A few additional comments from Amy Dutschke’s fans:
– “Did Amy Dutschke conspire with Allen Lawson & Cheryl Calac to harm the San Pasqual Indians? Did she disregard the law to appease a fellow Miwok? ?
To answer this question:
HELL YES SHE DID! this thing most definitely conspired with these thieving pigs! She is no good! Allen is a damn thief and a lying sack of shit and as for Cheryl Calac? Well lets just say she is a sad excuse for a human being along with Lawson, Toler, and the rest of the BC currently illegally holding a stolen tribal government office on my rez! Their time is coming very very soon! You will all reap what you have sown for many years! Get out of my rez you can lying pig faces!”
– “Amy is no good, she was set up to be Regional Director by Howard Dickstein, knowing that she would do anything it takes. She does not care about all Natives she only cares about the leaders and those who have money for her.”
– “Gawshr, she could have played Jabba the Hutt without needing any makeup!”
- Continuing Pechanga blog issue with Dutschke relative involvement. How convenient!
Original Pechanga Blog – King Freeman
- The ever continuing saga of the Dutschke family, lone new membership collection.
Casetext Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria v. Dutschke
- One actual case where a federal judge said back off from enrollment.
Turtle Talk Mark J. Kallenbach Esq 80-opposition-to-77
- Do not worry Amy, the inspector general’s got your back on this one. (Ya right)